Checklist of birds of India v.8.1 [Uploaded on 12 April 2024.]

Threatened birds of India v.7.0 [Uploaded on 14 December 2023.]

Previous versions:

Checklist of birds of India v.8.0
Checklist of birds of India v.7.3
Checklist of birds of India v.7.2
Checklist of birds of India v7.1
Checklist of birds of India v7
Checklist of birds of India v6.2
Checklist of birds of India v6.1
Checklist of birds of India v6.0
Checklist of birds of India v5.1
Checklist of birds of India v5.0
Checklist of birds of India v4.1
Checklist of birds of India v4.0
Checklist of birds of India v3.2
Checklist of birds of India v.3.1
Checklist of birds of India v.3.0
Checklist of birds of India v.2.3
Checklist of birds of India v.2.2
Checklist of birds of India v.2.1
Checklist of birds of India v.2.0
Checklist of birds of India v.1.4
Checklist of birds of India v.1.3
Checklist of birds of India v.1.2
Checklist of birds of India v.1.1
Checklist of birds of India v.1.0 [Version – PDF]
Checklist of birds of India v.1.0 [Version – XLS]

Threatened birds of India v.6.3
Threatened birds of India v.6.2
Threatened birds of India v.6.1
Threatened birds of India v.6.0
Threatened birds of India v.5.1
Threatened birds of India v.5
Threatened birds of India v.4.1
Threatened birds of India v.4.0
Threatened birds of India v.1.0
Threatened birds of India v.1.1
Threatened birds of India v.2.0
Threatened birds of India v.2.1
Threatened Birds of India v.3.0
Threatened birds of India v.3.1